
Saturday, February 2, 2013


(1*) The ANC deems itself a force of national liberation in the post-Apartheid era; it officially defines its agenda as the National Democratic Revolution (NDR). The ANC is a member of Socialist International 
(2*) The ANC sees itself “not as an ordinary political party bound by the ordinary rules of the political game, but as a national liberation movement responsible for implementing the NDR”. 
(1*) The National Democratic Revolution (NDR) is described as a process through which the National Democratic Society (NDS) is achieved; a society in which people are intellectually, socially, economically and politically empowered. 
(1*) The NDR aims at implementing the Freedom Charter and redressing political and socio-economic inequalities stemming from colonial- and Apartheid-era policies.  
Ruling parties stemming from revolutionary movements, often find it difficult to shift focus to a professional political party. Back in 1994 the ANC Government decided to maintain its revolutionary character. This choice led to a continuation of the freedom struggle.  
The study will show that after 18 years of democracy the ANC is still more than ever devoted to struggle and revolution and that this commitment plays a dominant role in governance.   
The ANC as Government and the ANC as party are separate entities: 
·        Each is guided by its own constitution: The South African Constitution guides and directs the ANC as Government. The ANC Constitution on the other hand, provides direction to the ANC as party.  
·        The South African constitution includes the (3*) Bill of Rights, whilst that of the ANC houses the (4*) Freedom Charter. (5*) The Freedom Charter was born out of the ANC’s struggle against Apartheid.  
These roles are tightly interwoven, making it sometimes virtually impossible to see them apart. Even more difficult is differentiating between loyalties. How could one tell whether an official is pursuing the ANC’s aims or Government’s aims?  

      To open the media sources hold "CTRL" key and click on the shortcut.

(1*) Wikipedia -- African National Congress

(3*) Word Press -- Adventure Qualifications -- The Bill of Rights (summary)
(4*) Word Press -- Adventure Qualifications -- The Freedom Charter, 1955
(5*) South Africa Overcoming Apartheid – Adoption of the Freedom Charter

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