In the ANC Government setup it could include:
• Parliament...
o Cascading strategic
philosophies, norms and values, decisions and similar directives to
role-players and stakeholders on all levels of Government and ensuring that
they understand and interpret them correctly.
o Delegating responsibility
and decision-making powers and creating accountability with Provinces, Departments
and other organisational groupings to implement strategic directives.
o Utilising monitoring and
control mechanisms to ensure that delegated responsibilities are carried out in
accordance with directives; that directives lead to tangible work plans with
implementation commitments; that directives are aligned with the day to day
work of staff members on all levels; that philosophies, norms, values and
intentions behind directives are visible at customer interface level.
• Departments and Business Units...
Developing strategic plans and business plans derived from strategic
directives received.
Developing and implementing policies, procedures and other guidelines to
ensure configuration of day to day work with strategic and business plans.
Aligning performance contracts with strategic and business plans.
Implementing monitor and control processes to regulate work in
accordance with accepted criteria, norms and values.
Making directives work at customer interface level.
• Individual officers...
o Displaying emotional
commitment to the Constitution, its real meaning and supporting elements such
as norms and values.
o Accepting accountability for
goal directed work.
• Important:
o If it is not implemented and assimilate with
the daily work of officials, the best possible strategic directives will not have
noteworthy value. Institutionalisation thus involves cascaded Government
strategies to organisational groupings and individuals for them to accept
accountability for results and ensure execution.
o Strategic directives such as policies and programmes cannot be separated from implementation. Plans and programmes must be developed with the constraints associated with implementation/institutionalisation e.g. the lack of technical capacity, in mind.
o Institutionalising
focuses on work processes.
o It entails a course of action whereby the constitution
and other directives are entrenched and embedded in everyday work.
o The
institutionalisation process starts at the top. Different organisational levels
have different responsibilities to ensure that directives are aligned,
integrated and executed.
o Institutionalising
turns plans into action and results.
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