Storming entails human behaviour that evolves spontaneously from the formation phase. Although storming is a natural and normal tendency it is necessary to prevent uncontrolled storming. In the adapted Tuckman model, norming is presented as the solution or answer to controlling storming. It represents the desired strategy for further growth and development.

Storming generates a substantial amount of energy and movement. If not channelled in a positive direction, it will be counterproductive to performance. Allowing a storming climate to develop, reinforcing it or merely ignoring it, will result in embedded behavioural patterns or a storming culture. Changing culture takes time and requires well planned effort and intervention.
The following are indicators of uncontrolled storming:
• People
are inclined to act on sentiment, emotion and feeling, rather than fact and
analysis, leading to a lack of objectivity.
• Unhealthy
disagreement is common, resulting in rebelliousness, disrespect for others,
emotional outbursts, infighting, rumours, gossip, intimidation and smear
Excessive and continuous storming will alienate people from the overall purpose and vision. Personal interests are often put before organisational interests, giving rise to an uncontrolled need for personal gain. Political corruption, i.e. using legislated powers for illegitimate private gain is an “easy and financially viable” route to personal benefit. Persisting with uncontrolled storming, eventually leads to a “free for all”; saying and doing as you please culture, of which the ripple effects smoulders up large sectors of society.
Uncontrolled storming restrains institutionalising efforts and leads to low levels of productivity with subsequent shortfalls in service delivery.
o Storming
is a natural and normal tendency in the growth development cycle.
o It
is essential to prevent uncontrolled storming.
o Excessive
and continuous storming will alienate people from the overall purpose and
vision, which could lead to self-centred behaviour.
o Storming
can be counteracted by the implementation of norming interventions.
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