A Blueprint for Evaluating ANC Governance since the official end of Apartheid
What have been covered in the first 3 posts and what is to follow next?
What have been covered in the first 3 posts and what is to follow next?
The first 3 posts provide background to the study.
- Post One: The Rational for the Study
- Post Two: The Choice of Title for the Blog
- Post Three: The Role of the Media in the Study
What follows next?
- This Post (Post Four): A blueprint for Evaluating ANC Governance since the official end of Apartheid. It provides an outline/model for desired Government growth and development.
- Next Post: A detailed description of each phase of the model.
The content of the posts following the above focuses on:
- An indepth evaluation of Government's progress for the specified period. The Model and its descriptions, will be used as yardstick for evaluation. Each phase will be covered separately. (The evaluation will reveal that the ANC Government stagnated in its growth. The situation has not been rectified yet. This has led to a Storming Culture in Government. Furthermore strategies, plans and programmes developed by Government were not Institutionalised sufficiently. Consequently, Government never reached its end result, namely Performing).
- Further post also deals with the Consequences of Growth Stagnation for South Africa.
- The last part of the study contains a plan for transforming, including reconstitionalising the ANC Government.
A Blueprint for Evaluating ANC Governance since the official end of Apartheid
The theoretical foundation of this part of
the study takes (1) Tuckman’s philosophy on group development and growth as a point
of departure. His underpinning viewpoints were maintained, but his model was taken
one step further to provide for institutionalisation as a key growth phase. The
characteristics of the phases were also adapted to ensure complete relevance.
Tuckman claims that groups, similar to individuals experience stages of growth and development. They mature from formation, through various stages to maturity, provided certain positive management action is taken.
The next few posts deal with a description of the underlying theory of the growth and development phases. This is followed, by a perceptual evaluation of Government’s growth and development since the official fall of Apartheid. The theoretical basis serves as benchmark for organising, classifying and assessing media reports.
A few references to Tuckman’s work:

“Performing” is the final product of a deliberate growth and development process.
Forming, norming and institutionalising are regarded as essential phases, laying the basis for performing. Storming is a natural instinctive process that needs to be controlled and harnessed. If left unrestrained, storming will over the long-term produce catastrophic effects. Lack of control over storming will cause it to spiral out of control with its negative consequences impeding productivity. Norming counteracts and regulates storming and establishes healthy conflict. The norming process provides structure and order and ensures disciplined behaviour. It plays a twofold role namely, to prevent excessive storming to occur and to fight it should it crops up. Institutionalising deals with the processes required to align and integrate strategic directives with day to day work processes.
Progression through the phases follows a predictable sequence. It is not possible to pinpoint the conclusion of any specific phase and commencement of another.
Information contained in further posts, includes a comparison of Government’s activities and behaviour since 1994 to the characteristics of the four phases. It will reveal Government’s current dominant phase and stage of growth maturity.
- Groups, including governments, mature from formation, through various stages to maturity, provided certain positive management action is taken.
- The study is a perceptual evaluation of growth and development in the South African Government, since 1994.
- Integrating media reports with the theoretical framework, will uncover Government’s current dominant phase and stage of growth maturity.
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