
Saturday, February 2, 2013


Government’s forming process since 1994, has been dominated by the ruling party’s commitment to struggle, but more specifically its devotion to implement the NDR.  

The ANC’s web site states: (6*) “Our struggle for freedom has a long history. It goes back to the days when the African people fought spear in hand against the British and Boer colonisers. The ANC has kept this spirit of resistance alive!” 

It goes on to say that: “Over the last 80 years the ANC has brought together millions in the struggle for liberation. Together we have fought for our land, against low wages, high rents and the dompas. We have fought against Bantu education and for the right to vote for a government of our choice”. The ANC emphasises that its history is about revolution and struggle. The National Democratic Revolution plays an important role in this regard. 

(7*) The NDR seeks: “To defeat the white ruling class, represented by monopoly capitalism”  

(8*) The ANC describes the ruling class as: “the small group which owns South Africa’s wealth; those who own and control the decisive sectors of productive property - the mines, the banks and large insurance companies, the factories, large commercial farms and retail firms”.  

(9*) South African History Online refers to a “white ruling class culture” and explains that the “final diminish of the white culture” i.e. eradicating the white culture, leaving no remnants and replacing it with a new culture “will not happen overnight”, hence the ANC’s rationale for a long-term liberation struggle.  

The ANC’s (i) commitment to struggle and (ii) targeting the white ruling class as the enemy, are instrumental in the way the new government structured itself as part of its forming process. 

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(6*) African national Congress – South Africa’s National Liberation Movement – A brief history of the African National Congress

(7*) African national Congress – South Africa’s National Liberation Movement – Tasks of the NDR and the Mobilisation of the Motive Forces

(8*) ANC -- The Nature of the South African Ruling Class

(9*) South African history online – The struggle against cultural racism

           President Zuma and a Former Friend once willing to Kill for him -- Julius Malema -- Google 

The ANC’s revolutionary base is embedded and anchored in the beliefs and philosophies of its leaders and radical partners (and vice versa). 

The information following provides a glimpse of the extent to which “revolution” has been entrenched in the ANC, its culture, leaders and alliances.  


Two articles, one by “City Press” and the other “In Defence of Marxism” reiterate the Youth League and its former President’s almost obsessive revolutionary intent:

Abstracts from the articles:  

o          (10*) “Malema declared an ‘economic war’ against South Africa’s ‘white minority’. This is war and we should fight moving forward”, he said. “There will be casualties but I know that we are going to win. The day has come and on OR Tambo’s birthday (October 27, 2012) we are going to march to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and take the battle to the monopoly capital. We will ask all the people with shares to come and share with us. Then we will go to the Union Buildings and sleep outside until our demands for jobs are met. The league was holding its celebrations in Alexandra because its residents were the most ‘reliable forces for the revolution’”, he said. “You are the reason the struggle against Apartheid continued. The time to fight is now and we will reclaim ourselves in South Africa’s economy. If we don’t do it now those who are unemployed will stay that way forever.”  

o          (11*) In Defence of Marxism quotes Malema to say: “ all economic freedom fighters: total liberation and emancipation of the oppressed and exploited people of South Africa will not only happen in boardrooms and conferences. The people should rise and demand what rightfully belongs to them.” 

Julius Malema was in the meantime removed from his position, but what he said and his “way of doing things” live on in the minds of the youth and working class. 

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(10*) City Press – Malema declares economic war

(11*) In Defence of Marxism --- Support the march for economic freedom


(12*) NUMSA’s Solidarity Statement at the 100th year anniversary of the ANC confirms its unconditional dedication to revolution.  

Abstracts: “The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA), joins its Federation --- the National the Congress of South African Trade Unions -- the revolutionary workers parliament; a genuine champion of workers’ rights; a voice of conscience; shield and spear of the marginalized workers at the point of production; the voice of reason for the oppressed workers of Africa and the world; fearless opponent of capitalism and staunchest and reliable ally of Africa’s oldest Liberation Movement… hoist its red banners high on this august occasion of 100-years of the African National Congress’s (ANC’s) existence.” 

(12*) SA NGO Pulse Net – NUMSA Solidarity Statement on the 100-years of ANC 


(13*) The ANC’s revolutionary dedication is emphasised by the following quote from a statement of its National Executive Committee at the 98th anniversary of the ANC: “We draw great inspiration from these decades of unbroken struggle and re-dedicate ourselves to the cause of the National Democratic Revolution... Amandla, Viva ANC Viva, Viva the Revolutionary Alliance Viva!”
The current National Executive Committee as elected at the 53rd National Conference in Mangaung December 2012 is:

o          Zuma, Jacob

o          Cyril, Ramaphosa

o          Mbete, Baleka

o          Gwede, Mantashe

o          Jessie, Duart

o          Zweli, Mkhize

The Committee also includes Additional and Ex-Officio Members 

The National Executive Committee is the highest organ of the ANC.  
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(13*) African National Congress – Statement of the National Executive Committee of the ANC (98th anniversary of the ANC)


(14*) President Zuma reiterated his ongoing commitment to struggle at the 53rd National Conference when he said: “These ideals we shall fight for, side by side, throughout our lives until we realise our goals”. 

(15*) Speaking at the closing ceremony of the African National Congress' centenary celebrations in Durban, President Zuma concluded his address with a statement by OR Tambo to the people of South Africa on the 10th anniversary of Umkhonto we Sizwe:

Let us arm ourselves with the willpower and fearlessness of Shaka; the endurance and vision of Moshoeshoe; the courage and resourcefulness of Sekhukhuni; the tenacity and valour of Hintsa; the military initiative and guerrilla tactics of Maqoma; the farsightedness and dedication of S.P. Makgatho, Sol Plaatjies, Langalibalele Dube, Isaka ka Seme. W.B. Rubusana, Meshach Pelem, Alfred Mangena, Paramount Chief Letsie II of Lesotho and all founding-fathers of the African National Congress. Let the dream of Moshoeshoe who cherished a great alliance of African people to resist their separate conquest come true in our lifetime. Let us fight for Freedom. The white enemy in South Africa can and must be defeated.” 

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(14*) African National Congress -- National Executive Committee of the ANC delivered by President Jacob Zuma at the 100th anniversary of the ANC


The revolutionary “face” of the ANC also surfaces in radical rhetoric in Parliament.  

Example: (16*)  A SABC News article reporting on employment equity targets, quotes South African Minister of Labour threatening with “a black revolution”. He said:  “I want to warn them (the white business sector) that the revolution will be a revolution of all black people”  

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(16*) Politics Web – Private Sector not achieving race proportionality – Jimmy Manyi
The ANC; its revolutionary leaders and partners; its revolutionary spirit; its unconditional commitment to continuous struggle – accumulate in ANC Governance to fight their common enemy, the white racist minority until all remnants of the previous order have been removed.

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