
Saturday, February 2, 2013


Forming is a continuous process, so is the ANC’s commitment to revolution. After close to 20 years of democracy and freedom in South Africa, the ANC is perceived to be even more preoccupied with revolution. Stronger commitment to revolution, leads to stronger action by government to bring about socio-economic transformation. 

(17*) Wikipedia states that: “The ANC deems itself a force of national liberation in the post-apartheid era; it officially defines its agenda as the National Democratic Revolution (NDR)”. 

(18*) A research and policy brief of the South African Institute for Race Relations reports that: “In the post-Apartheid period, the ruling African National Congress (ANC) has persisted in its determination to implement a National Democratic Revolution (NDR). The ANC makes no secret of this, regularly re-affirming this objective at its five-yearly national conferences”.  

(18*) It also claims that: “The ANC sees itself not as an ordinary political party bound by the ordinary rules of the political game, but as a national liberation movement responsible for implementing the NDR”. 

The significance of the NDR in ANC governance calls for more information on this subject: 

(To ensure that no meaning is lost, abstracts from source material, including official ANC documentation are provided, unchanged). 

(17*) Wikipedia – African National Congress

(18*)SA Inst for Race Relations: Research and Policy Brief --The National Democratic Revolution (NDR): Its Origins and Implications - 31st May 2012

·         AIMS OF THE NDR
             (19*) (Abstracts -- ANC Political Education Manual) 

o        “National liberation and economically emancipation of Africans in particular and blacks in general.

o        Addressing gender, national and class contradictions simultaneously.

o        Building a non-racial, non-sexist, democratic, united and prosperous South Africa.

o        Attaining the objectives of the Freedom Charter.

o        The NDR is the road to Socialism, meaning that attainment of Freedom Charter objectives lays basis for transition to Socialism.

o        The SACP and COSATU: Attaining NDR objectives ‘forming a basis for a socialist revolution”, as it will create a united and independent nation with internal capacity to protect and care for its citizens, and would have discontinued private ownership of the commanding heights of South Africa’s economy’.

o        Working class: Leading the NDR -- a dynamic link between National Liberation and Socialism.”  

·          THE NDR’S INTENT  

“The People Shall Share in the Country's Wealth” 

o        “The national wealth of our country, the heritage of South Africans, shall be restored to the people;

o        The mineral wealth beneath the soil, the Banks and monopoly industry shall be transferred to the ownership of the people as a whole;

o        All other industry and trade shall be controlled to assist the well-being of the people;

o        All people shall have equal rights to trade where they choose, to manufacture and to enter all trades, crafts and professions.”  


“The People should share in the Country’s Wealth” 

o        Monopoly Capital, Banks, and Mineral Wealth should be transferred to the ownership of the people as a whole.

o        The doors of Learning and Culture should be opened to all.

o        All other industry and trade should be controlled to assist the wellbeing of the people.

o        The movement towards attainment of Freedom Charter objectives should be speeded up.” 


o       “Socialism is the transitional phase between Capitalism and Communism. Socialism is linked to the NDR.

o       Under Socialism, political power and the State is under control of the working class.

o        Between capitalist and communist society lies the period of the revolutionary transformation of the one into the other.

o        Corresponding to this is also a political transition period in which the state can be nothing but the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat Marx.

o        The first step in this process is the seizure of political power by the working class majority of society under the leadership of the Working Class Vanguard, the Communist Party.

o        Once in political power, the working class can then move to assert its control over the economy.

o        Once the working class democratically runs the economy in the interests of all, instead of in the interests of a handful of capitalists; then very quickly we will be able to provide the basic necessities and then much more to everyone.

o        We will be able to abolish unemployment, provide free, quality healthcare, education, housing, and more to everyone.

o        The productive forces will be radically developed to benefit as many people as possible, and their development will not be privately owned by capitalists.

o        Production and distribution will be socialized.”

(20*) An ANC document titled, “The Nature of the South African Ruling Class” supports the NDR’s intent set out above: “The Freedom Charter projects the seizure of economic assets presently owned either by South African capitalist firms or trans-national corporations”.

It goes on to state that: “Such measures will strip the present ruling class of the actual substance of its power, by seizing hold of the commanding heights of the economy. People’s power, as conceived within the ANC, will entail a democratic revolution of a new type, in which the interests of the working people, of town and countryside, will be pre-eminent”.

(21*) Full implementation of the NDR will according to South Africa Reporter deter investment, stall economic growth, worsen poverty, and increase dependency on the State. “It will undermine the Constitution, give the ANC totalitarian control, and betray the bright hopes of the 1994 transition”.

(22*) With regards to socialism, the message from the SACP is: “Socialism is the Future, Build it Now”! 

To open the media sources hold "CTRL" key and click on the shortcut.

(20*) African National Congress -- “The Nature of the South African Ruling Class”

(22*) SACP – What is the National Democratic Revolution?

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