
Saturday, February 2, 2013


Skills drain is synonymous with the New South Africa, with thousands of people who have already left for overseas jobs.
Politicsweb list a number of push and pull factors as reasons for emigration:
(68*) “The major push factors, particularly for white South African emigrants, have traditionally been put down to high levels of violent crime (often personally experienced) and the racial employment policies of the African National Congress government. To these one could add the growing evidence of state decay and a resurgence of demands by ANC politicians for something to be done about continued white wealth”.
(68*) “The pull factors have recently weakened considerably due to the global financial crisis. However, if the ANC government decides to go ahead with threatened amendments to the Employment Equity Act - which would apply more punitive sanctions to companies that continued to promote whites into senior and top management positions - we are likely to see another surge of emigration by this group”. Those who left the country as well as many remaining behind, feel that the situation in the country will not improve. It may in their opinion worsen, especially with Government’s “second transition” in mind.
Affirmative action and discrimination continuously feature as key “push” and “pull” factors and keep on surfacing as motives for emigration. 

(69*) CBC News claims that: “Those leaving South Africa for good are usually just the sort of people the country needs most: professionals, entrepreneurs, teachers and skilled trades people.  

It further alleges: “The irony is that they are also whites and their flight has sparked resentment and bitterness at the highest level. South African President Nelson Mandela is frank when he describes those who decide to leave. ‘Those who have not got the courage let them go. It is good riddance. The real South Africans are remaining in South Africa working to unite their country’, Mandela said”. 

(70*)This video takes a look at South Africa under ANC rule and explains the reasons why people, especially highly skilled whites leave the country. Statistics provided in the video indicate that between 1995 and 2005 approximately 850 000 whites left South Africa, constituting about 20% of the white population. 

     To open the media sources hold "CTRL" key and click on the shortcut.

(70*) Video 1: The New South Africa - Why the Exodus?

(71*) The next video supports Governance “good riddance” attitude towards emigration, with the Safety and Security Minister bluntly stating that: “They can continue to be as negative as they are, or they can simply leave this country”.

(71*) Video 1: Video: Safety and Security Minister -- If you don’t like the crime in South Africa
(72*) South Africa’s Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform, Gugile Nkwinti, takes the “good riddance” concept to the highest dimension when he declares: “Whites are unwelcome ‘settler colonialists’ with no role to play in South Africa’s future” 
The contribution white citizens make to the economy needs to be applauded. The opposite however apply. Government realises that affirmative action and punitive measures “thrown at the unwelcome settler colonialists” seem to not deter them enough. They are strong enough to triumph over the system and soar way above those that are intentionally advantaged by affirmative action. Is this the real stimulus or motive for Government’s second transition? Did Government run out of affirmative action options, to the extent that it even considers changing the Constitution?  
Apart from white emigrating and others staying behind fighting and triumphing against all odds, there is a third group choosing to confess and apologise for the wrongs of Apartheid. Some physically wash the feet of senior ANC officials; others mentally. Do they think that Government’s attitude towards them or whites in general will change, and that affirmative action measures will be scaled down as a result of this? (73*) Do they aim at qualifying as a “white antiracist”? (This title applies to: "a white man or woman who is clearly identified as an ally to people of colour in the struggle against racism and someone who "daily vigilantly resist[s] becoming reinvested in white supremacy") 
South Africa cannot afford this brain drain. It is a problem that will not disappear with a harsh "good bye and good riddance" or “they can simply leave this country” attitude.
(69*) CBC News -- Brain drain' sapping South Africa
      (70*) Video 1: The New South Africa - Why the Exodus?

     (71*) Video 1: Video: Safety and Security Minister -- If you don’t like the crime in South Africa
(72*) Genocide Watch – South Africa

(73*) White Antiracist


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