
Saturday, February 2, 2013


One way to create goodwill is through inclusiveness i.e. making others part of your process. President Mandela recognised this in the early forming days.  

(49*) Between April 27, 1994 and February 3, 1997 South Africa was governed under the terms of clause 88 of the Interim Constitution, indicating that any party holding twenty or more seats in the National Assembly could claim one or more cabinet portfolios and enter Government. This arrangement gave birth to the Government of National Unity (GNU). The two chief parties who made use of the provision for a GNU were the National Party and the Inkatha Freedom Party, both of which obtained cabinet portfolios for their leaders and other Members of Parliament. FW de Klerk, leader of the National Party was appointed as second Deputy President.  

The President went one step further and invited other parties to also join cabinet, even though they did not obtain the required minimum seats in the National Assembly. 

President Mandela succeeded in creating goodwill, amongst members of all population groups. His personal charisma played an important role.   
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