
Saturday, February 2, 2013



Hate songs are directed at white Afrikaans speaking farmers. In practice white English speaking farmers seem to be equally targeted.

Afrikaans speaking farmers are indigenous to Africa:
o          Boer”, (Ibhunu Ama-Bhulu) is used by the “Afrikanervolk” to distinguish itself as a unique “nation” with its own language

o          Afrikaner” accentuates its rooting in Africa; the “Afrikaner” originated or grew out of Africa

o          Afrikaner” reaffirms that South Africa is its motherland; Europe is foreign to the Afrikaner; not a single Afrikaner ever immigrated to South Africa.
Black people have always used the term “Boer”.

It was and traditionally still is regarded by many as a hate word, with the same racial and discriminatory undertone as the use of “kafir” by whites.
Both “Boer” and “kafir” need to take pole position on the ANC’s list of most important racist hate words.
There is wide spread speculation on the influence of hate songs on white killings. The ANC denies any connotation. The killing of farmers and whites remains a reality, with people across the world warning that it could turn into racial or ethnic genocide: 
           It is said that nowhere in the world are people killed in same brutal manner
           as whites in South Africa!
           Farmer's wife axed to death -- Google

This web page and most others, contain EXTREMELY VIOLENT images of murdered whites.


o            Video: Dr David Duke -- White Genocide in South Africa 

                The following are abstracts from the video script:
Dr David Duke: “The ongoing genocide of white people in South Africa will deeply shock you. There is a horrific purposeful genocide going on right at this moment against white South Africans”

Dr Gregory Stanton president of Genocide Watch: “The murder rate of Boer farmers is about four times as high as the rest of the population. There is a motive of hatred, that these crimes are hate crimes. People are tortured… murdered in ways that is dehumanising”. He also warned the world that white farmers could be facing genocide.
Dr David Duke: “If you really care anything about human rights, raise your voice against this genocide of South African white people. The world must demand an end to this. This is a test for all folks who say you really believe in human rights; if you don’t believe in human rights for white people to, then you don’t believe in human rights at all!”

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Click on the Shortcut to view the video

(98*) You Tube -- Dr David Duke -- White Genocide in South Africa

(Full information on Dr Duke’s commitment to human rights is available at: 
o         More Videos on white killings in South Africa
Warning: These videos contain images that may shock you!

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Click on Shortcut to view the videos
·     (99*) You Tube -- Farm Murders South Africa --
·     (100*) You Tube -- Farm Murders in South Africa --
·     (101*) You Tube -- Farm Murders South Africa --


(102*) Genocide Watch describes genocide as: “A process that develops in eight stages that are predictable but not inexorable. At each stage, preventive measures can stop it. The process is not linear. Logically, later stages must be preceded by earlier stages, but all stages continue to operate throughout the process”.
The following are abstracts from the stages as defined by Genocide Watch: 

1.      Classification

All cultures have categories to distinguish people into “us and them” by ethnicity, race, religion, or nationality: German and Jew, Hutu and Tutsi. Bipolar societies that lack mixed categories, such as Rwanda and Burundi, are the most likely to have genocide.
2.      Symbolization

We give names or other symbols to the classifications. We name people “Jews” or “Gypsies”, or distinguish them by colours or dress; and apply the symbols to members of groups. Classification and symbolization are universally human and do not necessarily result in genocide unless they lead to the next stage, dehumanization.
3.      Dehumanization

One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases.
4.      Organization

Genocide is always organized, usually by the state, often using militias to provide deniability of state responsibility (the Janjaweed in Darfur.) Sometimes organization is informal (Hindu mobs led by local RSS militants) or decentralized (terrorist groups.) Special army units or militias are often trained and armed.
5.      Polarization

Extremists drive the groups apart. Hate groups broadcast polarizing propaganda. Laws may forbid intermarriage or social interaction.
6.      Preparation

Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity. Death lists are drawn up.
7.      Extermination

Extermination begins, and quickly becomes the mass killing legally called “genocide.” It is “extermination” to the killers because they do not believe their victims to be fully human. When it is sponsored by the state, the armed forces often work with militias to do the killing.
8.      Denial

Denial is the eighth stage that always follows genocide. It is among the surest indicators of further genocidal massacres. The perpetrators of genocide dig up the mass graves, burn the bodies, try to cover up the evidence and intimidate the witnesses. They deny that they committed any crimes, and often blame what happened on the victims.

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Click on the shortcut for a full description of the stages 
(102*) Genocide Watch: The International Alliance to end Genocide – The 8 stages of genocide

By Leon Parkin & Gregory H. Stanton, President – Genocide Watch --14 August 2012
This article contains information not easily found in media reports in South Africa.

(The information is published unchanged)

(103*) Why are Afrikaner farmers being murdered in South Africa?
Content of article:

“Deliberate inaction of the South African Government has weakened rural security structures, facilitating Afrikaner farm murders, in order to terrorize white farmers into vacating their farms, advancing the New Democratic Revolution (NDR.)

The South African Government for the last 18 years has adopted a policy of deliberate government abolition and disarmament of rural Commandos run by farmers themselves for their own self-defence. The policy has resulted in a four-fold increase in the murder rate of Afrikaner commercial farmers.

This policy is aimed at forced displacement through terror.

It advances the goals of the South African Communist Party’s New Democratic Revolution (NPR), which aims at nationalization of all private farmland, mines, and industry in South Africa. Disarmament, coupled with Government removal of security structures to protect the White victim group, follows public dehumanization of the victims, and facilitates their forced displacement and gradual genocide.

Afrikaner farm owners are being murdered at a rate four times the murder rate of other South Africans, including Black farm owners. Their families are also subjected to extremely high crime rates, including murder, rape, mutilation and torture of the victims.

South African police fail to investigate or solve many of these murders, which are:

carried out by organized gangs, often armed with weapons that police have previously confiscated.

The racial character of the killing is covered up by a SA government order prohibiting police from reporting murders by race.

Instead the crisis is denied and the murders are dismissed as ordinary crime, ignoring the:

Frequent mutilation of the victims’ bodies, a sure sign that these are hate crimes.

However, independent researchers have compiled accurate statistics demonstrating convincingly that murders among White farm owners occur at a rate of 97 per 100,000 per year, compared to 31 per 100,000 per year in the entire South African population, making the murder rate of White SA farmers one of the highest murder rates in the world.

Incitement to genocide is a crime under the International Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, to which South Africa is a state-party….

The ANC government has promoted hate speech that constitutes ‘incitement to genocide’.”

The President of the ANC Youth League, Julius Malema, revived the "Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer" hate song at ANC rallies, until it was declared to be hate speech by a South African judge, and Malema was enjoined from singing it. For other reasons, Malema was later removed as ANCYL President. His followers continue to sing the hate song, and the Deputy President of the ANCYL has called for “war,” against “white settlers.”

After the judge’s injunction to halt singing of the hate song, even the President of South Africa, ANC leader Jacob Zuma, himself, began to sing the “Shoot the Boer” song.

Since Zuma began to sing the hate song on 12 January 2012, murders of White farmers increased every month through April 2012, the last month for which there are confirmed figures.

There is thus strong circumstantial evidence of government support for the campaign of forced displacement and atrocities against White farmers and their families.

There is direct evidence of the South African government’s incitement to genocide

Forced displacement from their farms has inflicted on the Afrikaner ethnic group conditions of life calculated to bring about its complete or partial physical destruction, an act of genocide also prohibited by the Genocide Convention.

High-ranking ANC government officials who continuously refer to Whites as “settlers” and “colonialists of a special type” are using racial epithets in a campaign of state-sponsored dehumanization of the White population as a whole.

They (ANC government officials) sanction gang-organized hate crimes against whites, with the goal of terrorizing Whites through fear of genocidal annihilation

                To open the media sources hold "CTRL" key and click on the shortcut.

(103*) Genocide Watch: The International Alliance to end Genocide – South Africa

The truth about South Africa 

(104*) This source contains extensive information on white murders, including a time line update on incidents affecting South Africa’s genocide rating. It also includes a video on white reaction to the killing of thousand of their fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers. 

CNN iReport -- White Genocide In South Africa  -  Here Are The Names
(105*) CNN iReport of August 5, 2011 states that over 4 000 farmers and more than 70 000 whites have been murdered since democracy in 1994.

The article claims that “a culture and rich history is being killed, raped and swept away by a majority black Government”.

CNN concludes by asking:

Is the world blind to the genocide of a minority ethnic group? How many  must die before help is given to the Afrikaner whites of Africa?”
     To open the media sources hold "CTRL" key and click on the shortcut.

      (105*) CNN iReport -- White Genocide In South Africa -- Here Are The
       sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&sqi=2&ved=0CB0QFjAA&url=http%       DYimhAfE_IGgAg&usg=AFQjCNEIixJcsa9XQDHFFyy1l3CclUE7Qg&sig2=wwTFgddxY4UR_ 
       Majority Rights -- The Boer Genocide  Majority Rights.Com states that:  
 (106*) “The white Boer, the Afrikaner farmer, is the highest at-risk group for
 murder on earth ... 310 in 100,000 per year.  By comparison, in London the
 early probability of getting murdered is 3 in 100,000
 (106*) Majority Rights.Com --- The Boer Genocide
 q= -7iEa91Yw
 Adriana Stuijt a former anti-Apartheid activist:

 After the funeral of Peter Mokaba, Dutch journalist Adriana Stuijt a
 former anti Apartheid activist, asked: “Why have South African farmers become
 the world's most endangered species, with the highest risk of being murdered in
 the  whole world?

                  A Nedbank probe described farm attacks as:      

       (107*) deliberately targeting specific homesteads to kill the
       Afrikaner  victims

       Stuijt also pointed out that if these “vicious” farm murders had occurred in 
       Zimbabwe, they would be global news. She felt that “post-Apartheid South
       Africa was somehow immune to the truth of what was going on in the

       To open the media sources hold "CTRL" key and click on the shortcut.
          (107*) Daily Maverick –Kill the Boer: A brief history Daily Maverick – Kill the Boer: A
         brief history 

The South African Government, with President Zuma as Leader... denies     that there is any genocide of farmers and whites in South Africa.

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